Friday, September 4, 2009

An unexpected encounter... Followed by a great film

While I was on the subway on my way to work I decided to work on my thumb increases for the Broad Street Mittens I'm working on. Around Pape station the woman I was sitting beside grabbed my knitting out of my hands. I almost freaked! But alas she told me to trust her and started to knit. I was in shock but at the same time hypnotized by her style of knitting and the joy she had on her face holding a set of needles and yarn. I felt like the both of us were in a language of our own. The bad news... I went to work and totally mucked up my increases and had to rip a whole lot out and now I can't recover so I'm almost tempted to rip the whole thing out and start over (what else is new with me). I do need to use smaller needles I think... I really should do a gauge swatch but I"m afraid I won't have enough yarn *tear* I honestly just had one of those moments where I wanted to throw my whole project to the wall a swear at it from the top of my lungs, but... I don't think my customers would've enjoyed that much.

Olivia showed me her mitten. She's almost finished it! She just needed to learn how to pick up stitches and I don't think I did a really good job teaching her. I tried teaching her on the subway and we did knit one round on her thumb and her yarn flew across the subway lol. I got such a natural high over her joyness (is that even a word?) of how far she's come along. It almost put me at that bliss stage when you're so enthralled with you're accomplishments.

Speaking of Olivia, today we finally watched Julie and Julia and boy did we laugh! It was such a wonderful movie and I must say that this is by far my second most favorite movie of 2009 (next to Star Trek of course). I laughed and had tears and was just so moved! Meryl Streep did an excellent performance! I can't wait to discuss this movie to James at work!

Well that's my knitting adventure for the day :) Happy knitting and good night.

1 comment:

Olivia Y. Shim said...

the movie was really fun!!!
I'm interested in knitting now and I'm at the same age as you when you started to get really interested in knitting! 22 :)